About Us

Hello and welcome to the website of Room 207! 4th grade is an exciting year and we'll be learning about many new things. The purpose of this website is to keep students, parents, family and friends of Room 207 connected. Please check this website periodically for updates on assignments, what's happening in our class and at the school.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Catholic Schools Week

Happy Catholic Schools Week! In honor of this wonderful week, SJCA has several special events planned!

Monday - All City Mass at the Upper Campus
Uniform Day

Tuesday - In the afternoon students will be participating in reading buddies, they'll be separated into groups and send around to different classrooms for read alouds.
Dress Up Day (No Jeans!)

Wednesday - Jump Rope for Heart
Red top with any bottom

Thursday - Honor's Assembly and Noon Dismissal
Favorite Sports and Jeans

Friday - Bowling outing at Sheridan Lanes
SJCA Spirit Wear Top with Uniform Bottoms

Friday night is also the Fabulous Faculty Fish Fry in the gym. If you haven't already purchased tickets, you can purchase them in the office for $10. Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Half Way Day and the end of the 2nd quarter

Well, we are nearly halfway through the school year! It doesn't seem possible! January 14th, marks the official "halfway" day and in honor of it, students will be allowed to wear either their uniform/spirit wear top with any bottoms or any top with uniform bottoms! During lunch Home and School will be serving a special "halfway" treat.

The end of the 2nd quarter is also January 14th. Report cards will be mailed to you January 27. Included with your child's report card will be a comment sheet on which I will have written a few things regarding your child's progress.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh the weather outside is frightful!

Can you believe that we're already a week into December? And the weather certainly does show it! Just a reminder that because we are in the full throes of winter, please make sure to dress your child accordingly. Also, be sure to send their regular indoor shoes with them (especially on the days when we have P.E.). Below are the General Guidelines for indoor recess...the same applies for drop-off in the mornings.
Ten degrees above zero or lower – indoor recess
Wind chill factor of zero or lower – indoor recess
Rain, drizzle, or blizzard conditions – indoor recess

Don't forget, the SJCA LC Christmas concert is tomorrow, Tuesday, December 7 at 6:30 pm in the Upper Campus Auditorium! I've peeked in on a few rehearsal and Mr. Robinson has done a fantastic job with the kids! I can't wait to see everyone there!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reminders and Updates

Hello families of Room 207! Can you believe that the first quarter of the school year is done?! Time really does fly when you're having fun!

Just a couple of reminders/updates:
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences are quickly approaching...please make sure to fill out and return your conference time request sheet if you have not already done so. Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 18 from Noon-4:00 pm and Monday, November 22 from 3:00-6:00 pm. I look foward to seeing everyone!
  • There has been a slight change in the 4th grade homework policy; Mrs. Kaeppeler and I both feel that it is a necessity for students to recognize the importance of handing assignments in on time, therefore, if an assignment is not completed by the due date, recess will be forfieted by that individual student until it is completed.
  • Remember...this Thursday, November 4 is Noon dismissal and there is no school this Friday, November 5! Enjoy the long weekend!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Red Ribbon Week

This week our school will be participating in Red Ribbon Week! This year's theme is "Know God, No Drugs" and each day our class will be doing something different to show our promise to be drug free!

Monday: Wear Red
Tuesday: Crazy Sock day
Wednesday: Pledge to be drug free
Thursday: Pray for the children
Friday: "Not Scared to Say No" on this day you can wear an orange or black top with jeans

And don't forget our Halloween Dance Party is Friday night from 5:30-8:00 pm! It's sure to be a lot of fun! I hope to see you all there!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Don't forget!

Don't forget, there is no school on Friday, October 8!
Enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spelling Words

Parents, I will be posting each week's spelling words under the Spelling List tab every Monday. If your child happens to misplace their own list or forgets to bring it home, you will still be able to access it here on my webpage.